Become an Official Content
Creator for Rush Royale

Grow your channel and start developing your community side by side with the makers of Rush Royale.

You can be the first to see our new upcoming features, have direct contact with our development team, get a chance to feature on our socials & Rush TV, and more. Join our Content Creator Program!

This program is constantly growing with new features and benefits. We have many more ideas and cool things that we plan to add in the future!

Registration form

Learn more about our Content Creator Privacy Policy

Content Creator Levels

The Program currently consists of 3 Levels and features 3 tracks: Youtube, Twitch, TikTok.

To achieve or maintain a level within the program with a YouTube channel, you need to comply with a minimum number of channel subscribers and get a certain minimum number of monthly views for Rush Royale content.

Youtube Track
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Channel Subscribers
2 000+
10 000+
Monthly Content Views
1 000+
20 000+
100 000+

To achieve or maintain a level within the program with a Twitch channel, you need to comply with both the requirement of monthly watch hours for Rush Royale and the requirement of averaging a certain number of concurrent viewers when streaming the game.

Twitch Track
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Average Online Viewers (CCV)
Monthly Watch Hours
1 500+

For you to participate in the Creator Program with a TikTok channel, your TikTok account must have at least 4000 followers, and your Rush Royale content must receive above 30 000 monthly views. Please keep in mind that Rush TV does not currently have integration with TikTok content.

TikTok Track
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Channel Followers
4 000+
20 000+
100 000+
Monthly Content Views
30 000+
100 000+
500 000+


Your Content Creator Level will give you access to the benefits listed below.

Level 1*
Level 2
Level 3**
Special in-game Creator Badge with access to an exclusive profile frame and a set of emoji
Access to the exclusive Discord server with early development news and updates
No in-game ads
Twitch Drops participation and early campaign info
Access to assets before the release of new updates
Access to early playtests with a form for feedback and support
Revenue Share via the personal creator code (10%)
Additional 5% of Revenue Share from the creator code for a total of 15%
Free access to new units

* - The number of Level 1 creators accepted into the Rush Royale Content Creator Program is limited for each region.

** - Level 3 creators are required to make exclusive focus on Rush Royale content on their channels participating in the creator program.

To participate in the program, you need to sign up by filling out our form. We will review your application and contact you via Discord or email if you meet our requirements for the program.

By sending your application, you confirm that you have carefully read, and agreed with, all the information displayed on this page. The organizers reserve the right to change the program’s rules and timeframe and to make final decisions in the event of any disputes connected with the Program.

We look forward to partnering with you!

Registration form

Learn more about our Content Creator Privacy Policy


  • Do I need to be part of the program to appear on Rush TV in the game?

    No, Rush TV can help you develop your channel regardless of whether you are part of the Creator Program or not. The only requirements to appear on Rush TV are:
    - Stream the Rush Royale at one time in its relevant category.
    - Not stream any other games under the Rush Royale category.
    - Observe common sense behavior on stream.

  • How long will it take to be approved?

    The time it takes our team to review and approve your application may vary. Due to the large number of applications, we expect it to take no less than 1 week. If your channel has not achieved at least 100 followers, you may not hear back unless you grow it and re-apply again.

  • My channel is quite small — can I still apply? How do I increase the number of my subscribers?

    If you have at least about 100 subscribers, you can apply to stay connected with us — we have a plan to help our smaller creators grow their channels by giving them some exposure. Currently one of the possible best ways to increase your exposure is to do regular live streams to appear on Rush TV.

  • Does the Content Creator Program for Rush Royale have monetary rewards?

    Yes, our Program provides partners with monetary rewards if they meet our Level 2 requirements, are signed up and approved in the program. Moreover, they will get access to insights from developers about future releases and events, as well as direct communication with our team, and also get the possibility of being featured on our socials.

  • What if I don't meet the subscriber and view requirements?

    We suggest that you wait until you meet the requirements to apply. If you need to re-apply, it’s a good idea to take 30 days to add content and grow your channel first.

  • Where can I find existing Rush Royale content creators and see what they do?

    You can open the YouTube or Twitch category. Follow the category on both platforms for inspiration and finding out the best niche for your content!

  • How can I support my favorite content creator?

    You can open the Rush Royale game market and apply a creator's code when you purchase any item. Content creators normally write their codes on screen during live streams, as well as post them in video descriptions.