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Meet the updated Сo-Op with new modifiers, improvements and the new floor with endless waves of monsters! Other new features include reworked Expeditions and their Seeker Compass, the ability to reroll items from the Heroic Chest, and changes to the following heroes: Snowflake, Flicker, Elementalist and Trickster!



  • Special seasonal modifiers added
  • Removed: the mechanic of randomly selecting a Positive and Negative modifiers
  • New: 
    - The negative modifier is also randomly chosen by the game along with the positive modifier 
    - The positive modifier is explicitly chosen by the player from two suggested options at the start of the floor, and again after each Boss is killed 
    *Only works for one player
  • Faction modifier of the week and festival modifiers are no longer active in Co-Op mode

Endless Floor added

  • Monsters, mini bosses and bosses spawn in endless waves after predetermined periods of time
  • The Floor’s difficulty increases over time
  • Modifiers' changes are applicable to the Endless Floor, but you may also encounter unique modifiers from past events
  • The amount of time for which you and your teammate manage to survive determines your place in the Endless Floor leaderboard!
  • Leaderboard entries are for the pairs of participating players
  • You will only receive the reward for the best result you have shown at the end of the season

Additional improvements

  • The unique Co-Op achievements for the latest season have been added to the player’s profile window: gold earned, help rendered to allies, the amount of bosses killed and the best time for the Endless Floor
  • Your requests for help in Co-Op made through the clan chat will be shown as extra pop-up messages to all the suitable clan members who are ready to accept requests.
    *Displaying pop-up invitations can be disabled in the game settings
  • Among the seasonal quests, two new ones have appeared – and they must be done in the Co-Op mode


  • The Seeker Compass now guarantees receiving the Relic Chest after the conclusion of the Expedition
  • The contents of Relic Chests have been changed: essence, fragments of Epic Heroes, fragments of Legendary Heroes, Star Coins, Hammers, Rune Key, Heroic item token, epic and rare items, unique emoji and avatar
    *The drop chances for all rewards except the first two can be viewed in the information about the Relic
  • Expeditions have been moved from the quest window to the main screen
  • The primary rewards of the Hero Expeditions have been reworked. The primary reward does not depend on the hero sent on the Expedition, only on the Expedition’s type
  • The average level requirement for the support team units has been reduced
  • The process of accepting challenges has been excised. The challenge is considered accepted automatically immediately after appearing
  • Challenges have been moved from the main screen to the Expeditions screen
  • Division progress has been removed from the main screen


You can now rerollthe dropped item by paying 500 crystals. The number of rerolls depends on the amount of items available to be received from the chest:

  • 2 or less – 0 rerolls
  • 3 items – 1 reroll
  • 4 items – 2 rerolls
  • 5 or more – 3 rerolls

Added the ability to receive Heroic Fragmentsinstead of the items dropped.

*Available if the account has at least one Heroic item.

*If all available Heroic items are already present with the account, you will be receiving only Heroic Fragments.


The amount of Trophies received for the first 3 victories every day has been increased.


To make the game more exciting, varied and fair, we have decided to rework some of the heroes and make them stronger. It's time to bring these old soldiers back to the battlefield and make them much more useful at any level of player progress!


Winter’s Kiss Ability (buffed)

  • Deals additional damage based on the current health of monsters
  • Damage at level 1 of the ability: 30%
  • Damage at the maximum level of the ability: 50%
  • Freeze duration increased

Cold Welcome Ability (reworked)

  • Removed: Freezing enemy units with a certain chance when they appear
  • New: Special tiles appear on the field. When merging or increasing the rank in them, a random enemy unit is frozen
  • Damage bonus for the Snowflake’s charges increased
  • Damage bonus at Level 1 increased: 0.25% → 0.5%
  • Damage bonus at Level 5 increased: 0.5% → 1%
  • Maximum damage bonus at Level 1 increased: 10% → 15%
  • Maximum damage bonus at Level 15 increased: 55% → 60%

Best Served Cold Ability (buffed)

  • In PvP mode, temporarily reduces the attack speed of frozen enemy units after they are defrosted
  • In Co-Op mode, temporarily speeds up units


Hungry Friend ability (reworked)

  • Removed: Buffing adjacent units
  • New: When eating a unit, it creates an additional buff on the current tile. A unit standing in this tile increases its damage
  • Maximum tiles created: 5
  • Moving is possible with any unit on the field. The dragon also falls asleep after moving
  • Sleep duration reduced: 6s → 3s

Incinerating Flame ability (reworked)

  • Removed: Sleep time reduction after Level 80
  • New: Flicker's damage increases proportionally to the merge rank of the units surrounding it

Invigorating Belch ability (buffed)

  • Works on all units on the field and, in addition to damage, increases their critical attack chance. Flicker gets a double bonus
  • The buff duration increased: 10s → 15s

Heat Up ability (reworked)

  • Flicker's trap increases critical damage to monsters in it
  • Eating a unit may increase the merge rank of a random unit. Chance: 16.5%


Power of the Elements ability (reworked)

  • Removed: Fire Vortex and Lightning Ball
  • New: Using the Hero's ability activates 6 runes. Any merging, destruction or rank change on the field consumes 1 rune, bringing mana and causing a fireball that deals critical damage to monsters
  • Changes: At the beginning of the battle, creates tiles on the field:
    Fire Tile – any player action in this tile creates a fireball that inflicts guaranteed critical damage
    Storm tile – any player action in this tile makes the ability bring mana
  • New: Each merge, destruction or rank change of units in tiles or while the runes are active creates an elemental charge, increasing damage dealt both by the Elementalist and the units on the field

Elemental Storm ability (reworked)

  • New: Fireball from the Power of Elements ability applies burning to monsters, dealing damage over time and slowing the targets
  • Each elemental charge increases the critical damage of your units

Power Surge ability (reworked)

  • When a certain number of charges is accumulated, significantly increases the hero's damage
  • Each elemental charge increases your units’ attack speed

Hero item: Scroll of Elements (reworked)

  • New: When the hero's ability activates, adds an elemental tornado that reduces the armor of monsters


Costly Prank ability (buffed)

  • Also triggers when a mini boss appears